

When I started the course, I thought I will go to Fine Art  definitely.
I have studied Fine art at High school and University in Japan.My major was Oil painting.
But after Fashion and Textile rotation I found that I can develop my work in this course as well.
Fashion and Textile is very different from Oil painting .But I am interested in this gap.
I have never thought that my drawing can be textile but one of tutor said my drawing is good for textile.
It is so new idea for me.And actually I really want to try it.

I am going to write about what I have done and some feedback that I have got in each rotation one by one.

My first rotation was Fashion and Textile.I did not think it is interesting for me.But It was.
At first I did a lot of drawing with different material and technique.
It was really good for first lesson.Sometime I think I have to draw beautifully or correctly.
But we do not have to.I think the aim of this lesson was free from this kind of thinking.
I did not know about textile before but it really interesting for me.
Even I did not do so much about textile in this time.Because textile is 2D but it relates to 3D so much.
So as I wrote at first. I want to see how my drawing will change when it goes on a fabric.

2nd rotation was Fine art.
The project  was free.I  could choose objects that I am interested. Also I could choose material to create final piece. 2D,3D animation whatever.
But 'free' is the most difficult. I have to have clear vision and my own idea. The project was an important step in helping me to understand how to research and develop my idea. Tutors gave me a many tips for that.
To do this project I needed a found object. I took a lot of photo,did drawing where I found something interesting.
Actually when I tried to find interesting object I could find it in everywhere.I realised everything can be super nice object just depend on pint of view.
I chose adapters and cords as objects. They are not special.I see them everyday everywhere and I have never paid attention to them.
But I found that they are beautiful.I focused on lines and painted them as final piece.

3rd rotation was Vis com,it was the hardest one for me to deal with,but I learned a lot from Vis com week.
Research was really important and helpful.I found many nice works and ideas.
Especially Nina Katchdorian  influenced me.
Her idea is not  just a unique.I could feel her strong message.Showing way was considered a lot.
I painted a picture in this rotation. It was not so successful but I could feel my works has changed a bit in a good way.
I had to settle on a clear message.I found it is challenging but a really important thing for me.
Because usually I tend to depend on feeling and an accident.If I paint like that for ever I will be not able to develop my work any more.

And final rotation was 3D spatial.
At first I really enjoyed it.I did a drawing as other rotation but from different view point.
Focused on Boundary, line, edge, contour, junction, levels, connection and more.
When I had focused on these things my drawing become little bit different style.
 It was interesting.
Our main project was making three 3D models.At first I did some research because I did not have any knowledge about a module.But after research,I was fascinated with some artists.
Richard Long is one of them. His works have a strong impact. He uses natural material but I felt a sense of incongruity. It was beautiful and little scary.Photograph shows it really well.
I needed idea for this project. Because this was about a structure to walk through but not a building,a structure to support the human body but not a chair and a structure to contain small object but not a box.
So I tried to find some twisted ideas.
This stage was fun for me even it was difficult.I imaged freely on the paper.
But when I started to make real things with real material,it was very very different from that I supposed.
I could not control materials as I wanted. It was quite hard.
I managed to make 3D pieces but actually it is not what I wanted to make.
I learned a hard facts in this rotation.
Now I need to research and practicing more about material to make my ideal works.

I wish if I could choose both of Fine art and Textile.
But I can not.So I am going to choose Fine art as my major area.
I think Fine art is the most flexible area. I can try many things include that using my drawing for 3D and something I really want to try.
I will make use of learning from this term.

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